Aqueous Leaf Extract of Cissampelos owariensis (P. Beauv) Menispermaceae Exerts Tocolytic Activity on Isolated Gravid Rat Uterus

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Rafiat O. Efunsayo
Stella O. Olagbende-Dada
Al-Kassim H. Mohammed


Cissampelos owariensis commonly known as velvet leaf is a dioecious climbing plant and belongs to the family Menispermaceae. It is traditionally acclaimed to be a potent herb used in the management of threatened abortion. The present study was designed to evaluate the tocolytic activity of the aqueous leaf extract of Cissampelos owariensis (P. Beauv.) on the isolated gravid uterine smooth muscles of albino rats. The effect of the aqueous leaf extract of C. owariensis on isolated gravid rat uterus was determined in vitro using De Jalon’s method of bioassay. PowerLab 26T connected to a force transducer was used to record the contractility of the isolated gravid rat uterus when treated with different concentrations (40 µg, 80 µg, 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg and 8 mg/mL) of the extract while the inhibitory effect of the extract was ascertained with oxytocin. Preliminary screening and acute toxicity of the extract (2500, 5000 and 10000 mg/kg) were also conducted. The extract of C. owariensis displayed significant (p < 0.05) uterine relaxant activity by inhibiting
the spontaneous contractions of the isolated gravid rat uterus and reduced the oxytocin-induced contractile activity on the smooth muscles. Thus, the results suggest that the plant extract possesses tocolytic activity that justifies its use in folkloric medicine for the treatment of threatened abortion.


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How to Cite
O. Efunsayo, R., O. Olagbende-Dada, S., & H. Mohammed, A.-K. (2018). Aqueous Leaf Extract of Cissampelos owariensis (P. Beauv) Menispermaceae Exerts Tocolytic Activity on Isolated Gravid Rat Uterus: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 2(7), 354-357.

How to Cite

O. Efunsayo, R., O. Olagbende-Dada, S., & H. Mohammed, A.-K. (2018). Aqueous Leaf Extract of Cissampelos owariensis (P. Beauv) Menispermaceae Exerts Tocolytic Activity on Isolated Gravid Rat Uterus: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 2(7), 354-357.


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