The Characterization of Tri-Ethanolamine Soap Produced from the Fatty Glycerol of Chicken Skin as a Water/Oil Emulsifier
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The main lipid extracted from chicken skin at high temperature was used as an initial material for producing a specific emulsifier for a water/oil dispersion system. More than 30 different compounds including saturated, mono-unsaturated and multi unsaturated fatty acids were identified through GC-MS analysis of the methylated ester of the extracted fatty glycerol. The transformation of soap to fatty acid was performed using hydrochloric acid with a 1:1 mole ratio. The collected fatty acids were reacted with triethanol amine in a refluxed system over 90oC for 1hour. The application of triethanolamine soap as an emulsifier for dispersing of water droplet in oil phase (W/O) was confirmed. The surface tension, stability of emulsion in alcohol and electrolyte for a long period of time studied. The dynamic viscosity was determined, and the results showed that higher concentration of emulsifier in water volume fraction lower than 25% were effective in stabilizing the W/O emulsion at room temperature.
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