Evaluation of Antimalarial Activity of Combination Extract of Citrus aurantifolia and Honey against Plasmodium berghei–İnfected Mice http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i1.13

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Dewa A.A.S. Laksemi
Ketut Tunas
Putu A. A Damayanti
I Made Sudarmaja
I Putu E. Widyadharma
Ida A. D Wiryanthini
Ni Made Linawati


Previous studies have reported artemisinin resistance. Drugs for malaria treatment have been developed from plants. Citrus aurantifolia was traditionally used to treat ailments. This study aimed to evaluate an antimalarial effect from Citrus aurantifolia, honey and a combination of Citrus aurantifolia and honey  against Plasmodium berghei and analyze phytochemicals from the formula.  Thirty mice were randomized into five groups. A four-day suppressive test was performed to evaluate the antimalarial activity. Data were analyzed using one- way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc-test to compare between and within  groups. Test results which show a p-value of <0.05 were considered statistically  significant. The suppressive model showed a percentage parasite suppression  of 67.5, 87.5, 78.8, and 86.2 for Citrus aurantifolia, stingless bee honey, a  combination of Citrus aurantifolia-honey, and DHP, respectively. The maximum parasite suppression (87.5%) was exerted by the stingless bee honey group.  There were no significant differences in parasite suppression in the DHP group,  honey, a combination of honey and Citrus aurantifolia. Phytochemical analysis  revealed that stingless bee honey contains saponins, flavonoids, tannins,  phenols, and alkaloids, while lime contains several saponins, flavonoids, tannins,  phenols, alkaloids, and steroids. A combination of Citrus aurantifolia  and honey has potential to produce an antimalarial activity in vivo. However, the  dose of Citrus aurantifolia in this study was relatively high and the effect of  its extract on internal organs was not yet observed. Further research is required  to study to what extent lower doses of Citrus aurantifolia produce an  antimalarial activity. 


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How to Cite
Laksemi, D. A., Tunas, K., A Damayanti, P. A., Sudarmaja, I. M., Widyadharma, I. P. E., D Wiryanthini, I. A., & Linawati, N. M. (2023). Evaluation of Antimalarial Activity of Combination Extract of Citrus aurantifolia and Honey against Plasmodium berghei–İnfected Mice: http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i1.13. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 7(1), 2168-2171. https://tjnpr.org/index.php/home/article/view/1546


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