Phytochemical Analysis and Chemical Characterization of Extracts and Blended Mixture of Palm Oil Leaf
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The importance of herbs and plant- related substances in the management of disease cannot be underestimated. The aim of this study was to determine the phytochemicals in oil palm leaf using various extracting solvents: water, methanol, ethanol, acetone and petroleum ether. Phytochemical analysis was carried out by standard procedure, while chemical composition was determined using GC-MS. The results showed that petroleum ether extract had the highest yield and was closely followed by methanol extract while the least yield was water extract. Phytochemicals analysis of crude oil palm leaves revealed the presence of saponins, steroid, flavonoid, reducing sugar, tannin and alkaloids. From the quantitative phytochemical analysis, reducing sugar had the highest percentage content and this was followed by tannin, alkaloids, cardiac glycoside and flavonoid. Saponin and steroid had the least percentage content. The results also showed that petroleum ether was the best extracting solvent compared to the other solvents used. The GC-MS identified a good number of phytochemicals in oil palm leaf. Thus, we suggest the possibility of utilizing oil palm leaf as a source of herbal remedy.
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