Antimalarial Activity of Leaf Extract, Fractions and Isolation of Sterol from Alstonia boonei

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Modupe M. Adeyemi
James D. Habila
Thomas A. Enemakwu
Sunday O. Okeniyi
Labaran Salihu


Bioactive compounds in plants have found a wide application in medicines due to their pharmacological or toxicological effects in man and animals. In vitro anti-plasmodial activity of the leaves of Alstonia boonei was studied to support its traditional use as a remedy for malaria. The ethyl acetate extract was subjected to in vitro anti-plasmodial assays. The ethyl acetate extracts and fractions were found to be active against Plasmodium falciparum with percentage elimination range of 16.67 to 47.22%. The fractions were monitored using chromatographic techniques and this led to the isolation of β-Sitosterol, a plant derived sterol. The structure of the isolated compound was elucidated using spectroscopic methods including FTIR and NMR. Β- Sitosterol has been reported to have antimalarial properties giving credence to the traditional uses of this plant for the treatment of malaria.


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How to Cite
M. Adeyemi, M., D. Habila, J., A. Enemakwu, T., O. Okeniyi, S., & Salihu, L. (2019). Antimalarial Activity of Leaf Extract, Fractions and Isolation of Sterol from Alstonia boonei: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 3(7), 221-224.

How to Cite

M. Adeyemi, M., D. Habila, J., A. Enemakwu, T., O. Okeniyi, S., & Salihu, L. (2019). Antimalarial Activity of Leaf Extract, Fractions and Isolation of Sterol from Alstonia boonei: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 3(7), 221-224.


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