Acute Toxicity Study and Elemental Analysis of Gasca N Herbal Product
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The biological effectiveness of any herbal medicinal product depends on its safety and efficacy. In recent years the world has witnessed an increased usage of herbal medicinal products, hence their potential toxicities and adverse effects is a matter of public health importance. The study aimed to assess the acute toxicity and to determine the level of essential elements and heavy metals in Gasca N herbal product. The acute toxicity study was done according to standard procedure, where Wistar rats were administered Gasca N herbal product at a single dose of 10 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, and 1000 mg/kg (Phase I) then 1,600 mg/kg, 2,900 mg/kg and 5,000 mg/kg (Phase II). The concentration of heavy metals (Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury, Lead and chromium) and that of important elements like Iron, Cobalt, Zinc, Vanadium and Copper were estimated using standard procedure with Microwave Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry 4200.The results of the present study demonstrated that oral administration of Gasca N herbal product up to a dose of 5,000 mg/kg did not cause any mortality or adverse effect, suggesting that the product can be considered as practically nontoxic. Heavy metal concentrations in the herbal product were found to be as follows: Pb (0.0), Hg (0.0), Cd (0.76 μg/g), Cr (2.92 μg/g), and As (0.0). Gasca N herbal product has been shown to be non-toxic. The levels of heavy metals present in Gasca N herbal product fall within the permissible limits according to WHO permissible limits, thus does not pose a significant threat to human health.
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