Cytotoxicity of Butyrospermol and Sitosterone from the Stem Bark of Syzygium aqueum`10
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Syzygium aqueum is a public large species of Syzygium genus in Myrtaceae family and it is native to Indonesia and Malaysia. Various parts of S. aqueum have been widely known to be used for traditional medicine, therefore this plant is documented as a medicinal plant. The isolation of some phytochemical compounds from the stem bark of Syzygium aqueum and their cytotoxicity were determined. The extraction and separation of phytochemical compounds in the stem bark of S. aqueum was carried out using standard methods. The structures of isolated compounds were determined by UV, FTIR and NMR. The analysis of all spectra obtained and comparison with literature data led to the conclusion that the isolated compounds were steroids,namely butyrospermol and sitosterone. The cytotoxicity of the isolated compounds was then evaluated against HeLa and T47D cell lines by the MTT method and A549 cell lines by the XTT method.
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