Ubiquinone-Nanostructured Lipid Carriers Hydrogel Mask for Antiaging: the Journey so Far doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v4i11.4
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Aging of the skin become a common problem in the society, especially in women. Sun exposure is a very influential factor in the occurrence of skin aging. One alternative to solve skin aging problem is by using cosmetics with anti-aging activities. Ubiquinone is an enzyme found in almost every cell of the body, especially mitochondria which function as antioxidant which can reduce the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and useful for regulating the aging process. However, ubiquinone has some weaknesses in its characteristics; therefore a suitable delivery system such as Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC) is required. Ubiquinone-NLC is suitable for water-insoluble active agent that is able to produce a fairly good environment which can increase the effectiveness of ubiquinone. Unfortunately, in application, Ubiquinone-NLC is less acceptable due to the very oily nature of the preparation and instability on storage. This can be overcome by formulating Ubiquinone-NLC into a Hydrogel base and used during night breaks where the skin's blood vessels can absorb well (sleeping mask). This development of Ubiquinone-NLC hydrogel sleeping mask is greatly influenced by gelling agent, which will trigger changes in the characteristics of the hydrogel. Changing the characteristics of the
hydrogel will affect the effectiveness, physical stability, and also affect the irritation to the skin. This review article discusses biquinone-NLC in hydrogel sleeping masks and how this preparation can act as an antiaging cosmetic and how the gelling agent affects the effectiveness, physical stability and skin irritation.
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