Effects of Six-Month Tualang Honey Supplementation on Physiological and Biochemical Profiles in Asymptomatic, Treatment-naïve HIV-infected Patients doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v4i12.14
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HIV-infected patients are at higher risk of developing metabolic abnormalities. Honey was reported to be beneficial in various metabolic diseases, yet its long-term effects in HIV patients remained unclear. This study aims to evaluate the safety of six-month Tualang honey supplementation in asymptomatic, treatment-naïve HIV-infected patients based on basic physiological and biochemical profiles. This is a randomised, controlled, open-labelled study. A total of 95 asymptomatic, treatment-naïve HIV-infected patients with CD4 counts between 250 to 600 cells/mm3 were recruited in this study. Tualang honey supplementation at three different doses (20 g, 40 g and 60 g) were given daily for a total of six-month period. Control group was not supplemented with any honey. Body weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure (BP), serum glucose, lipid profiles, renal and liver function tests were measured at baseline, threemonth and six-month follow-up. An increase in the mean total cholesterol (32% from baseline) was observed in control group at six-month follow up. The mean total cholesterol and other measured parameters were relatively maintained in Tualang honey-supplemented groups. A significant increase (p = 0.003) in the blood glucose was observed in group receiving 60 g honey at six-month follow-up but the level was still within normal range. In conclusion, at the doses and duration tested. Tualang honey supplementation is safe to be given and may potentially delay dyslipidaemia progression in treatment-naïve HIV-infected patients.
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