Estimation of Gill Respiratory Area and Diameters of both Red and White Muscle Fibers in Luciobarbus xanthopterus (Heckel, 1843) and Coptodon zillii (Gervais, 1848) Local Bony Fish in Karbala City
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Fish's activity can be influenced by several factors such as: Respiratory Area, and diameters of muscle fibers. This study is aimed at explaining some morphometric features of the gill and diameters of red and white muscle fibers in two local bony fish. Fifty specimens each of Luciobarbus xanthopterus and Coptodon zillii were collected from the Euphrates River at Karbala city in Iraq in September 2019. Histological examinations were performed on gills and muscle fibers based on standard method. The results showed a significant positive correlation between the length of gill filaments and the body length (0.9553 and 0.9881 in L. xanthopterus and C. zillii, respectively). It was revealed that the length of gill filaments was a direct effect on the total gill surface areas. Relationships between total gill surface area and body length were statistically significant. The correlation coefficients were positive and significant (P < 0.05) with values that range from 0.9064 and 0.9757 in L. xanthopterus and C. zillii, respectively. Body
length showed a reversible relationship with relative surface area (-0.964 and -0.975 in L. xanthopterus and C. zillii, respectively). However, a positive correlation was recorded, after the histological examination of L. xanthopterus and C. zillii muscle. Such a positive correlation was between the mean diameters of both the red and white muscle fibers and body length (0.9948
and 0.9886 in L. xanthopterus and C. zillii. Respectively). There was a decreasing diameter of red and white muscle fibers toward the posterior region of the fish's body in both species.
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