The Effect of Binder Type on the Physico-Chemical and Calorific Compositions of Fuel Briquette Produced from Maize Cob, Sugarcane Bagasse and Discarded Polyethene Composite
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Briquette from wastes solves the problem of pollution and is a source of renewable energy. This study investigated the effect of using different binder type on the physico-chemical and calorific properties of briquettes made from maize cob, sugarcane bagasse and polyethene waste using cassava starch and plantain peel binders. The maize cob, sugarcane bagasse and polyethene waste
were mixed at ratio 50 g:50 g:3 g. By using American Standard Testing Methods (ASTM), the study indicated that the two briquettes (having cassava starch or plantain peel binder) have low moisture content required for handling and storage. The briquette with cassava starch (CSB) has the range of volatile matter being 10.74-18.1%, while the one with plantain peel binder (PPB) had
the range 14.56-23.08%. Increase in binder concentration (4-20%) resulted to increased volatile matter of the briquettes; though within the range of 9.0-25.8% recommended for carbonizate briquette. CSB has the highest fixed carbon content being 76.39%, ash content of 14.0% and the highest calorific value of 28.14 MJ/kg, compared to PPB with fixed carbon content of 68.20%, ash content 21.08%, calorific value of 15.91 MJ/kg. The result reveals that briquette produced using 4% cassava starch binder has the best properties required for biomass fuel compared to the briquette using plantain peel binder. Fuel briquette can help to minimize the pollution resulting from agricultural and polymeric wastes.
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