The Influence of Participation of Healthcare Insurance and Social Security (BPJS) on Therapeutic Success in Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Primary Healthcare Centers in Madura
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The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) worldwide is increasing. This condition will be followed by an increase in complication, if not controlled properly. One of the factors for failure of therapy is patient non-adherence in undergoing treatment due to inability to buy medicine. To overcome this, the Indonesian government organizes a national health insurance program (JKN) which is implemented by BPJS. BPJS participants who cannot afford to pay were paid by the state and called contribution assistance participants (PBI). This study aims to analyze the effect of BPJS membership on the success of therapy in DM patients. A cross-sectional observational design was carried out on 425 DM patients in Madura. The independent variables were age, body mass index, smoking habit, adherence to health check at healthcare facilities, adherence in taking medication, and type of BPJS membership. The dependent variable was the success of therapy. The instrument was a questionnaire that was developed by the authors and validated by a team of experts and tested for validity and empirical reliability. The result showed that, the majority of respondents who participated in the BPJS category of PBI was 48.2%, the comorbidity was hypertension with 39.5%, respondents who adhered to taking medication were 42%, the success of therapy was 49%. The type of BPJS membership has no effect on the success of therapy in DM patientswhile the variables that affect the success of therapy were the presence of hypertension comorbidities, age, and medication adherence.
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