A Mini Systematic Review: Eucheuma cottonii, a Red Algae, as a Radiosensitizer? doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v5i1.2
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Radiosensitizers assist radiotherapy in providing greater tumor inactivation. Currently there is a search for natural radiosensitizer components which are expected to provide lesser side effects than chemical radiosensitizers. Eucheuma cottonii is a plant with antioxidant and anti-tumor effects. This review aims to search for the potential use of Eucheuma cottonii as a radiosensitizer. This is a mixed review study, where the main component is a systematic review and then followed by a narrative review. This review suggests that Eucheuma cottonii has the potential to become a radiosensitizer, by interfering with the cell cycle control mechanisms and reactivation of p53. Further research is needed to explore the synergistic effect of the combined use of radiotherapy and Eucheuma cottonii.
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New Global Cancer Data: GLOBOCAN 2018 | UICC [Internet]. [cited 2020 Nov 3]. Available from: https://www.uicc.org/news/new-global-cancer-dataglobocan-2018
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