Comparative Antibacterial Activity of Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles and Aqueous Extract of Unripe Pawpaw Peels Against E.coli
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One of the most important issues of current medicine is bacterial drug resistance as well as uropathogenic tract infections and the primary factor of these issues are extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strains. This study examined and compared the antibacterial activity of unripe pawpaw peel aqueous extract (UPPA), biosynthesized silver nanoparticles (b-AgNPs) and Ampicillin (Positive control) against E.coli. AgNPs was prepared by reducing 1mM aqueous AgNO3 solution with UPPA. Primary characterization of synthesized AgNPs was carried out using UV-visible spectroscopy. The total phenol content (TPC) and antibacterial activities of the samples (UPPA and AgNPs) were carried out following standard analytical methods. Synthesis of AgNPs was confirmed by a color change of the reaction mixture to brown after 24hrs of incubation at room temperature, UV-visible spectroscopy also revealed an absorption maxima at 450 nm which is characteristic of AgNPs. The result of this study shows that the biosynthesized AgNPs contains a higher amount of total phenolics and consequently showed a greater antibacterial activity than the unripe pawpaw peel extract alone based on the zone of inhibition exhibited by both samples on the test organism used. However , no zone of inhibition was exhibited by the standard drug (Ampicillin) against the test organism. This study therefore indicates that the antibacterial performance of aqueous extract of unripe pawpaw peels in combating drug resistant pathogenic organisms could be improved to a great extent if incorporated for the synthesis of AgNPs.
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