Isolation and Characterization of Cellulose from Siwalan (Borassus flabellifer) Fruit Peel Fiber
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Borassus flabelliger's fruit peel fiber is one of the plantation wastes that has not been optimally used. Meanwhile, it contains several crude fibers including cellulose, which is sufficient and can be isolated for various purposes. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of cellulose from siwalan fruit peel fiber (Borassus flabellifer). The isolation was conducted through a chemical process that comprises hydrolysis, delignification, and bleaching. Furthermore, water content, pH, form and Fourier Transform-Infrared (FTIR) analysis were the physical characterization and standardization parameters used to assess the Borassus flabellifer cellulose. The tests carried out showed that the isolate had a pH of 6.8 and a moisture content of 7.34%. The Fourier Transform-Infrared (FTIR) showed absorption at 323.34 for O-H, 2893.22 for C-H, 1371.38 for C-O-H, and 1157.28 for C-O, which revealed that the values are the typical cellulose peaks. The results showed that cellulose isolated from Borassus flabellifer fruit peel fibers has numerous similarities with the standard synthetic cellulose used. Additionally, a large cellulose yield of 12.3% (w/w) was obtained from the fruit peel, hence, further development is needed because the isolate can serve as an alternative for animal gelatin made from pigskin. It is also a halal guaranteed product and can fully meet various pharmaceutical industries' needs.
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