Effects of Sun-Drying and Oven-Drying on the Nutrients, Anti-Nutrients, and Bioavailability of some Minerals in Commonly Consumed Capsicum Varieties in Nigeria doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v5i3.29
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The levels of nutrients and anti-nutrient in common Capsicum varieties after drying, have not been widely reported. Thus, this study was designed to determine the effects of sun-drying and oven-drying on the nutrients, anti-nutrients and bioavailability of minerals in six commonly consumed Capsicum varieties in Nigeria. Two varieties of Capsicum chinense – yellow and red ata rodo; three varieties of Capsicum annuum – tatase, bawa, and ata shombo; and Capsicum frutescens – ata wewe were purchased fresh from Oja Oba market in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. They were washed, sliced, and processed by sun-drying and oven drying methods, before determining their proximate, minerals, ascorbic acid, anti-nutrients and bioavailability of Ca, Fe and Zn, using standard methods. The proximate results revealed that sun-drying method retained these parameters much better in most of the Capsicum varieties. The levels of eight minerals were modulated by the processing methods, with sun-drying yielding better results for most minerals in the Capsicum varieties. Furthermore, the ascorbic acid content was significantly (p<0.05) depleted by both drying protocols, with oven drying-method retaining it much better in most varieties. On another hand, the effect of drying methods was not significantly different (p>0.05) for the anti-nutrients in most varieties. The phytate/minerals and oxalate/calcium molar ratios revealed high bioavailability of Ca, Fe and Zn from all Capsicum varieties processed via sun-drying or oven-drying. Both drying methods have modulatory effects on the nutrient and anti-nutrient contents of the Capsicum varieties and can be safely applied for optimum bioavailability of Ca, Fe and Zn.
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