Inhibitory Effects of Some Jordanian Medicinal Plants on In Vitro Viability of Protoscolices of Hydatid Cysts
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The common scolicidal agents used for the immobilization of protoscolices of hydatid cyst are mostly associated with side effects. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the methanol extracts of Ruta graveolens, Peganum harmala L. and seeds of Citrullus colocynthis L effects on hydatid cysts. The protoscolices were collected from hydatid cyst-infected sheep and goats and subjected to various concentrations of methanol extracts of the three plants (10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/mL) at different exposure times in vitro. Albendazole (ABZ) was used as a control. graveolens extract (40 mg/mL) killed 100% of the protoscolices in 75 minutes (1.25 hour) while the other concentrations (10, 20, 30 mg/mL) led to 100% mortality of the protoscolices at the maximum period of 12 hours, after treatment. Whereas, a 21% and maximum scolicidal effect (95%) were obtained using 20 mg/mL ABZ as control after 2 and 24-hour exposure period, respectively. The highest deadly effects obtained from P. Harmala and C. colocynthis extracts were 50 and 15%, respectively, using maximum concentrations (40 mg/mL), after 24 hours of treatment. Moreover, various concentrations of the R. graveolens extracts were very superior (P < 0.05) to the two plants and ABZ as control. The anti-fibroblast study showed that the use of 100 mg/mL of R. graveolens extract resulted in extremely low cytotoxicity with IC50 values of 65.78 mg/mL. Thus, the significant effects of this extract on the rotoscolices reveal a new antihydatic activity using R. graveolens as a source of scolicidal agents.
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