Isolation and Characterization of Secondary Metabolites from Cola minor Stem Extracts
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Although several medicinal and pharmacological values have been observed in the Cola genus, there is no literature report on the phytochemical screening of Cola minor. It is against this background that this study was conducted to determine the possible bioactive compounds in the methanol/dichloromethane extract of the stem of Cola minor. The stem of Cola minor was air-dried and then ground into a fine powder using an electrical grinder. The secondary metabolites were isolated by subjecting the plant extract separately to column chromatography, preparative chromatography, Sephadex LH-20, and chromatotron. Upon isolation, four compounds were identified as friedelin (1), stigmasterol (2), friedelanol (3), and β-armyrin (4), using spectroscopic techniques, which validates the use of the members of the Cola genus in traditional herbal medicine to manage various ailments for centuries. This is the first report on the phytochemical investigations of Cola minor.
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