DMBA-Induced Kidney Dysfunction: Effects of Supplementary Dietary Vitamin K in Rats
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DMBA (7,12-Dimethyl-1,2-benzathracene) is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon known to cause many toxic effects. Nephrotoxicity occurs following exposure of the kidneys to this potent mutagen and carcinogen (i.e., DMBA). This study investigated the prophylactic potentials of vitamin K-supplemented diet against DMBA-induced nephrotoxicity in experimental rats. Twenty-eight (28) Wistar rats (mean weight of 135g) were randomly grouped into 4. The control (group 1) was fed with normal rat chow containing the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin K (0.0075%). Groups 2 and 3 received a single dose of DMBA (80 mg/kg body weight) intragastrically, while group 3 animals were maintained on a surplus vitamin K supplemented diet (0.075%). Group 4 animals were fed the surplus vitamin K supplemented diet alone, with no DMBA challenge. All exposure lasted for 16 weeks. Concentrations of kidney function parameters (BUN and creatinine), pro-inflammatory biomarkers (IL-2 and L-selectin), and electrolytes (K+ , Na+ , Mg2+, and Ca2+) were measured in the serum. Oxidative stress biomarkers (MDA and NO) were also monitored in addition to enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant parameters. Histopathology of the kidney tissues was used to confirm possible alterations and protection. Our investigations revealed significant protection from DMBA-induced renal toxicity by surplus vitamin K inclusion in the diet.
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