The Potential of Carotene Compound (Beta-carotene and Lycopene) in Steamed Tomatoes Extract as Atherosclerosis Preventive Nutraceuticals
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Tomatoes contain some carotene compounds such as beta-carotene and lycopene, beneficial for human health. Heat pre-treatment prior to tomato processing significantly increased the lycopene but decreased beta-carotene level in the extract. Lycopene have been known to lower blood lipid levels better than beta-carotene. This research aimed to explore the anti-atherosclerosis effect of tomato extract containing increased lycopene content following heat pre-treatment. Steamed and fresh tomatoes were extracted in a mixture of solvents containing 96% ethanol, acetone, and hexane with a ratio of 2:1:1 (v/v), respectively, before measurement of their lycopene and beta-carotene contents. These tomato extracts were then administered for 30 days at the rate of 5 and 15 mg/kg BW in a rat model of atherosclerosis (rats previously fed with a fat-rich diet and Vitamin D3 20,000 IU for 60 consecutive days). The blood lipid levels and histopathology of the aorta were measured or assessed on day 60 and 90. The results showed that the heat-pretreated tomato extracts (L2) contained higher level of lycopene than those extracted from fresh tomatoes (L1). The beta-carotene of the heat-pretreated tomato extracts (L2) however was found to decrease. Administration of L2 was found to decrease the AIP value, and this was positively correlated with a decrease in atherosclerosis incidence in treated rats.
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