Effects of Asheitu Adams Bitters Polyherbal Formulation on The Carbohydrate Biomarkers, Body Weight, and Blood Glucose Level of Diabetic Wistar Rats. doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v5i6.28
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The number of people with diabetes mellitus (DM) today has been growing and causing increasing concerns to the public. Africans are now using medicinal plants as an alternative to conventional drugs. The combination of this medicinal plant gives rise to polyherbal drugs in which Asheitu Adams bitter (AABs) polyherbal formulation is one. This drug has been claimed to treat DM without any empirical data to support such claim. Therefore, this study investigated the impacts of AABs formulation on the body weight, blood glucose level, and its expression pattern on Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), and Glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) genes of Wistar rats. AABs polyherbal was screened for various phytochemicals. Rats were given different treatments at different concentrations and their body weights and blood glucose levels were monitored for 28 days. Gene expression profiling was used to analyze the expression pattern of GLP-1, G6PD, and GLUT2 genes in the rats. The blood glucose level of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with AABs at 30mg/kg was reduced to almost normal. Though, the polyherbal has no significant effect on the body weight of the treated rats. AABs polyherbal treated rats showed up-regulation of GLP-1 and GLUT2 genes in the intestinal crypt and a down- and up-regulation of the G6PD gene in the kidney and liver respectively. AABs polyherbal formulation is able to regulate GLP-1, GLUT2, and G6PD genes and bring them close to normal in diabetics which may be due to its ability to lower blood glucose at 30 mg/kg body weight.
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