Determination of a Chemical Marker in Dipterocarpus alatus Oleoresin Samples and Bioactivity Screening via Antioxidants, Nitric Oxide Inhibition on Murine RAW 264.7 Cells, and Collagen Production on Normal Human Dermal Fibroblasts
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Oleoresin from the many species of Dipterocarps consist of several group of compounds such as monoterpenes and diterpene resin acids, sesquiterpenes and essential oils which presented various bioactivities. In this research, the 5 samples of D. alatus oleoresin from the different sources and preparation methods were evaluated for the chemical contents and biological activities. The oleoresin samples obtained from Roi Et province, Thailand (OD1), heating oleoresin (OD2), supernatant and precipitate after degumming oleoresin (OD3 and OD4) and the oleoresin from Surat Thani Province, Thailand (OD5) were determined for total phenolic compounds (TPC) and (-)-α-gurjunene using validated HPLC-UV technique. The biological activities such as, antioxidation, inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production on murine RAW 264.7 cells, and collagen production activity on normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDFs) were also studied. The results indicated that the major component of all oleoresin samples was (-)-α- gurjunene. OD5 established the highest (-)-α-gurjunene content and TPC. All samples demonstrated the potential to inhibit NO production on RAW 264.7 cells comparable to positive control (L-NAME), OD3 showed the highest activity with the NO inhibition as 71.89%. In addition, the OD2 could stimulate higher collagen production on NHDFs than positive, ascorbic acid. Therefore, different oleoresin preparation methods and different sources affected the chemical contents and biological activities which are nitric oxide inhibition and collagen production. Our results suggested that D. alatus oleoresin has potential to be developed as an anti-inflammatory or wound healing product(s), however, its efficacy requires further investigation.
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