Edible Film-forming potential of Gelatin Blends With Glycerol and Sorbitol for Application in Instant Noodle Seasoning Powder Packaging
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This study aimed to investigate the potential of edible films made from gelatin combined with glycerol and sorbitol, and to apply these films to the packaging of instant noodle seasoning powder. Films were formed by dissolving gelatin at concentrations ranging from 4% to 8% (w/v) in a plasticizer mixture composed of glycerol and sorbitol at 25% (w/w). The dissolution was carried out at 55 °C for 30 minutes. Mechanical strength, weld strength, and film solubility were measured to evaluate the quality of the films. The study found that the best film formation was achieved by combining 8% gelatin with a 25% (w/w) glycerol-sorbitol mixture in an 80:20 ratio. The resulting film exhibited excellent tensile strength of 156.28 MPa, weld strength of 27.11 MPa, and hot water solubility of 96.57%. The film was then applied to the packaging of instant noodle seasoning powder, which demonstrated good preservation of the noodles' structure and quality after 50 days of storage. This study provides an overview of the potential of combining various materials to create edible films for sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging.
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