Mechanisms Involved in the Antiulcer Activity of Capparis atamisquea Polar Leaves Extracts
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Capparis atamisquea Kuntze (atamisqui) is used in northern Argentina to treat digestive disorders, however, scientific information on its potential therapeutic application has not been established. The study was designed to evaluate the gastroprotective effect and possible involvement mechanism of 5% infusion and 10% hydroalcoholic Capparis atamisquea leaf extracts in experimental model of acute gastric ulceration. Ethanol-induced gastric ulcer model was performed in adult Wistar rats followed by macroscopic and histological analysis, gastric mucus content quantification, mucosal antioxidant system study, myeloperoxidase activity determination and nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 content. The in vitro antioxidant activities of both extracts were also determined. Pre-treatments with both extracts caused a decrease in ethanol-induced gastric injuries at a macroscopic and microscopic level. A significant increase in gastric mucus content was also observed. The level of nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 in the gastric mucosa increased significantly in the pre-treatment groups compared to the ulcer control group. These results show the participation of these mediators in the gastroprotective effect. In addition, both extracts showed moderate in vivo and in vitro antioxidant activity. These results contribute to validate the use of this native plant which represents a natural alternative for gastric ulcer prevention.
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