Formulation and Evaluation of Two Types of Functional Beverage Granules Made of Extracts of Guava Leaves, Purple Sweet Potato and Cinnamon
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Functional foods are bioactive compounds that have the potential to provide health benefits beyond the basic nutritional values. This study was conducted to formulate and evaluate functional beverage granules with the use of guava leaves, purple sweet potatoes, and cinnamons as functional herbal-based food. Granules from the ethanol extracts of guava leaves and purple sweet potatoes were prepared with three different ratios: Formulas 1 (3:2 %), 2 (3:2.5 %), and 3 (3:3 %). Also, ethanol extracts of guava leaves and cinnamons were formulated with three different ratios: Formulas I (3:1 %), II (3:2 %), and III (3:3 %). These granules were formulated by the wet granulation method, and then their characteristics were evaluated. The results showed that the functional beverage granules made of guava leaves and purple sweet potatoes had % fines of 1.52±0.55‒6.04±0.06, moisture contents of 1.51±0.10‒2.06±0.12%, flow rates at 9.34±0.77–10.89±0.32 g/sec, angles of repose at 29.64 ± 0.67‒30.70±1.55, compressibility index of 16.19±0.82‒17.32±3.43%, and Hausner ratio of 1.20±0.01–1.22±0.03. Meanwhile, those made of guava leaves and cinnamons had % fines of 1.63±0.49‒1.85±0.81, moisture contents of 0.71±0.10‒1.06±0.02 %, flow rates at 7.93±0.44–8.61±0.74 g/sec, angles of repose at 20.95±1.56–31.17±1.29, compressibility index of 19.56±1.32‒20.37±1.32%, and Hausner ratio of 1.24±0.02–1.25±0.02. All granule formulas containing guava leaves and purple sweet potatoes met the predefined specifications. Conversely, the granule formulas containing guava leaves and cinnamons did not meet the standard specification.
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