Green Synthesized Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles from Coffea arabica: Bioprospecting and Functional Potential as an Antioxidant and Larvicidal Agent against Aedes aegypti
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The ZnO-NPs have been successfully produced and characterized using Coffea arabica extract using the green method. The successful formation of nanoparticles was indicated by a color change brown. Phytochemical characterization revealed that Coffea arabica extract is rich in bioactive compounds, including alkaloids, flavonoids, and phenolics, which have significant antioxidant potential. The results of the antioxidant activity tests showed that increasing concentrations of Coffea arabica extract correlated with enhanced free radical scavenging activity, with a relatively low IC50 value, indicating this coffee extract can serve as an effective source of antioxidants. Histological assessment revealed damage to cell structures due to exposure to ZnO-NPs, including membrane dilation, epithelial layer damage, and signs of apoptosis and necrosis. The ZnO-NPs synthesized result from Coffea arabica extract showed possess larvicidal potential and beneficial antioxidant properties, however attention is needed regarding potential toxicity at certain concentrations.
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