Structural Analysis of Saponin Isolate from the Soapbark Tree Extract
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The outbreaks of pandemics and epidemics have reenacted interest in high molecular weight bioactive molecules. Saponin is one of these molecules because of its associated health and commercial benefits. In this perspective, saponins from the aqueous extract of the soapbark (Q. saponoria) tree are attracting a rejuvenated interest among scholars. Therefore, this study was to provide further structural clarity to one of the identified saponin constituents of the soapbark tree extract. Adopting standard procedures for gas-liquid chromatography and in hyphenation with mass spectrometry, the alditol acetates and the associated methylated derivatives of the saccharide linkages of the saponin were evaluated. The space tandem mass spectrometric analyses and the NMR evaluation of the saponin fraction were also carried out. Obtained data showed the presence of a carbonyl proton peak at C-23. The finding suggests a deviation from previous reports for similar saponins with phytolaccinic acid aglycone. And may explain the possible bioactivity benefit of the molecule.
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