Antioxidant, Lipase Inhibitory Potential, and UHPLC Profile of Different Fractions of Moringa oleifera Leaves
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Moringa oleifera leaves have been consumed as vegetables in several regions of Indonesia. M. oleifera leaves contain many bioactive compounds that benefit human health. This study aimed to investigate the potential of M. oleifera leaf extract as an anti-obesity pharmaceutical alternative via lipase inhibitory activities. Aside from that, we aim to study the effect of different solvents on the bioactivity of its compounds. In this study, M. oleifera leaf powder was extracted using ethanol 70% and the extract was concentrated in vacuo at 40 ℃ to obtain a dried crude extract. The dried crude extract was fractionated using hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and water. The total phenolic (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), antioxidant activities, the UHPLC profile of the fractions, and their lipase inhibitory potential were evaluated using standard methods. The results showed that the TPC ranged from 49 to 182.7 mg GAE/g, while the TFC ranged from 16.2 to 48.1 mg QE/g extract. The DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) antioxidant activity ranges from 75.6 to 99.7 µmol TE/g extract, while the FRAP (Ferric ion reducing antioxidant power) activity ranges from 50.1 to 99.4 µmol TE/g extract. Moreover, the inhibition of pancreatic lipase activity varies from 58.1 to 74.3%, in contrast to orlistat which has a higher inhibition rate of 95.3%. UHPLC (Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) indicated that the water fraction contained more compounds than others due to its dominant and highest peak. This study shows that M. oleifera leaves have the potential to be developed as a source of anti-obesity and antioxidant agents.
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