Assessment of Heavy Metals Content in Edible Vegetable of Kangkung (Ipomaea) Grown on Tondano Sediments-Based Fly Ash Bottom Ash (FABA) Mixtures
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The absence of heavy metals in edible vegetable is necessary for their safe consumption. The present study aims to assess the heavy metals content in the edible vegetable Kangkung grown on Tondano Sediments-based fly ash bottom ash (FABA) mixtures. The research was conducted by both purposive sampling method for the sediment, water hyacinth, and FABA samples, and complete randomized design for Kangkung planting in five treatments (A: sediment, B: FABA, C: sediment:FABA (25:75), D: sediment:FABA (50:50), and E: sediment:FABA (75:25)) in three replicates totaling 15 experimental pot samples. Water hyacinth was used as green fertilizer in treatments C – E. Sediment, FABA, and green fertilizer of water hyacinth were analyzed for plant nutrients (N, P, and K), pH, organic carbon, and texture. The effect of the treatments on the growth of Kangkung was assessed by observing the plant height, number of leaves, and plant fresh weight up to six weeks after planting. The heavy metals contents were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Results showed that the treatments did not significantly affect the growth of Kangkung except for treatment B (FABA) which significantly affected plant height at weeks 2 and 5. Heavy metal analysis detected arsenic, cadmium, and chromium in Kangkung after harvest, although in quantities below the Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs) limits. These findings suggest that sediments-based FABA mixtures may play a role in heavy metal absorption by Kangkung, the concentrations of these metals are not sufficient to affect the safe consumption of this vegetable.
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