Comparative Study of the Yield of Reducing Sugar from Hydrolysis of Ximenia caffra Seed Coat and Phoenix dactylifera Stone Using Bioalkali Extracted from Plantain Peel

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Yusuf O. Usman
Kehinde I. Omoniyi
Nsidibeabasi C. Nwokem
Sule A. Maikano
Calvin O. Nwokem


Lignocelluloses comprising cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin among others can be pretreated with cost effective method to yield fermentable sugar, using waste agricultural residues as pretreatment chemical and substrates. This study was aimed at investigating the potential of bioalkali extracted from plantain (Musa paradisiaca) peel ash as a viable alternative alkaline reagent for the pretreatment of Ximenia caffra seed coat and Phoenix dactylifera stone. The ash of burnt plantain peel was characterized using x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy with the oxide of potassium as the dominant oxide (54.2 wt%), the concentrations of the potash alkali
(BioKOH) extracted were quantified titrimetrically. The Taguchi L9 orthogonal array design was used as the response surface method to design the hydrolysis process. The factors of BioKOH concentrations (0.022–1.950%), Solid to liquid ratio (1:30-1:90 cm3w/v) for varying treatment times (15–60 min) at a temperature of 121°C were optimized for the hydrolysis. The reducing sugar in the hydrolysates obtained was characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and measured using 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method. The pretreatment condition of 0.022% BioKOH, 60 mins and 1:30 cm3w/v was determined to be the most
effective as it utilized the least amount of BioKOH while generating 22.56 mg sugar/g of Phoenix dactylifera stone. The sour plum seed coat gave a better yield of 30.14 mg sugar/g for factors of BioKOH concentrations (0.022%), Solid to liquid ratio (1:60cm3w/v) for varying treatment times (15 min) at 121°C. Therefore, the plantain ash can serve as bioalkaline and can be scaled up for economic benefits.


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How to Cite
O. Usman, Y., I. Omoniyi, K., C. Nwokem, N., A. Maikano, S., & O. Nwokem, C. (2018). Comparative Study of the Yield of Reducing Sugar from Hydrolysis of Ximenia caffra Seed Coat and Phoenix dactylifera Stone Using Bioalkali Extracted from Plantain Peel: . Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 2(4), 162-166.

How to Cite

O. Usman, Y., I. Omoniyi, K., C. Nwokem, N., A. Maikano, S., & O. Nwokem, C. (2018). Comparative Study of the Yield of Reducing Sugar from Hydrolysis of Ximenia caffra Seed Coat and Phoenix dactylifera Stone Using Bioalkali Extracted from Plantain Peel: . Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 2(4), 162-166.


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