Coconut (Cocos nucifera) and Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Oils Protect Against Cadmium-induced Toxicity in Albino Rats
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Exposure to heavy metals is currently an increasing source of concern worldwide. The present study evaluated the effect of moringa (Moringa oleifera) and coconut (Cocos nucifera) oils on endogenous metabolites and enzymes in the plasma of rats exposed to cadmium-induced toxicity. Rats were divided into 5 groups. Group A served as the control, Groups B, C, D and E were exposed to 4 mg Cd/Kg body weight, 4 mg Cd/Kg body weight + 100 mL Moringa oil /Kg body weight, 4 mg Cd/Kg body weight + 100 mL coconut oil/Kg body weight and 4 mg Cd/Kg body weight + 100 mL Moringa oil/Kg body weight + 100 mL coconut oil/Kg body weight,
respectively for a period of 21 days. Results obtained show that cadmium-induced negative alterations in the lipid profile of rats, endogenous metabolites and tissue marker enzymes. There were, however, ameliorated with the use of coconut and moringa oils, separately and in combination. Conclusively, though these oils have been shown to possess protective effect against cadmium toxicity in the plasma of rats, moringa oil showed greater antioxidant potential than coconut oil on the various biochemical parameters analyzed.
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