Evaluation of The Antiulcer Activity of Aqueous Seed Extract of Moringa Oleifera Lamarck (Moringaceae) doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v2i3.8
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Moringa oleifera Lam (Family: moringaceae) is a multipurpose tree with reported medicinal properties. The seeds are used traditionally to treat peptic ulcer. However, no pharmacological evidence to support the use of the aqueous seed extract of M. oleifera on peptic ulcer exists. The study therefore aimed at evaluating the antiulcer activity of the aqueous seed extract of M. oleifera.
Isolated rabbit jejunum and guinea pig ileum were used to investigate its spasmolytic activity. The protective effect of the aqueous seed extract of M. oleifera was evaluated against pylorus ligated and indomethacin-induced ulcers in rats. The acute toxicity was determined by administering a single dose of 2,000 mg/kg orally to Wistar rats and observed 1 h post-dosing and once daily for
14 days. This dose did not produce mortality or acute signs of toxicity throughout the observation period. In the pylorus ligated studies, ulcer index and gastric juice volumes were not significantly different from the control, although, the extract at 500 mg/kg and omeprazole impacted positively on gastric juice pH and total acidity. However, all the doses used produced a significant (p < 0.01)
inhibition of lesion in indomethacin induced-ulcer (40.84 - 45.02%) when compared with the control, but higher percentage inhibition was recorded with cimetidine (66.72%). On isolated tissue, the extract produced a relaxant effect alone, a slight inhibition of histaminergic contractions and no effect on Acetylcholine contractions. The results suggest that the extract lacks antisecretory
properties but it is effective against indomethacin induced-ulcer in rats.
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