The Effect of Indonesian Anti-Hyperglycemic Herbal Formula on Fasting Blood Glucose and Quality of Life of Diabetic Patients: A Randomized, Open-Label Clinical Trial
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Diabetes mellitus is a non-communicable disease that is still a crucial health problem in Indonesia. Recently, the Indonesian communities has now considered using medicinal plants based on ancestral knowledge. The study aimed to evaluate the Indonesian anti-hyperglycemic herbal formula (AHHF), focused on fasting blood glucose (FBG) and quality of life (QoL) of hyperglycemia patients. A total of 242 volunteers participated in the study and were divided into the AHHF and metformin groups. Every subject was given an infusion of AHHF or oral metformin 500 mg twice a day for six weeks. The observation of FBG and QoL using the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) was performed on day-0, 21, and 42 of the study. The study used thesubject's symptoms and liver-kidney function in the safety analysis. The FBG level of subjects in both groups on day-21 (AHHF: 155.36 mg/dL; metformin: 154.87 mg/dL) and 42 (AHHF: 149.14 mg/dL; metformin: 153.07 mg/dL) was significantly decreased compared with day-0 (AHHF: 162.92 mg/dL; metformin: 164.37 mg/dL). There was no significant difference in FBG level between the two groups on day-0 and 21. However, the FBG level of the AHHF group on day-42 was lower than the metformin group. Both groups experienced a significant increase in SF-36 scores from 74.34 to 80.78 in the AHHF group and 77.29 to 80.64 in the metformin group. There was no side effect reported, and all subjects' liver-kidney function was in the normal range. In conclusion, AHHF reduced FBG levels of diabetic patients and improved their QoL.
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