Impact of Pomphorhynchus spindletruncatus (Acanthocephala: Pomphorhynchidae) on Blood Parameters and Muscle Biochemical Constituents of some Freshwater Fishes from Lesser Zab River, Iraq
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Fish have a strong resistance to disease when the circumstances are favourable, they are still susceptible to pathogen infection. Fish are routinely put to death by these illnesses, which impede their growth and reproduction. Diseases can reduce feeding rates, rendering fish more vulnerable to other animals. Pomphorhynchus spindletruncatus is one of the most dangerous parasitic species to fish. Prevalence of the acanthocephalan P. spindletruncatus and its influence on fish blood parameters and muscle chemical composition were evaluated. The study was carried out on seven species of freshwater fishes collected from Lesser Zab River, Iraq. The results showed that P. spindletruncatus was recovered from Capoeta damascina, Capoeta umbla, Capoeta trutta, Chondrostoma regium, Cyprinus carpio, Leuciscus vorax, and Squalius Lepidus. Higher prevalence of infection with the parasite was observed in the order of L. vorax (90 %) > S. Lepidus (72.72 %) > C. damascina (70 %). Analysis of blood parameters revealed that the infected fishes showed a significant decrease in total blood protein level, except in C. damascina, C. trutta and S. lepidus. However, there was a reduction in the levels of cholesterol and glucose in the blood of all infected fishes. The analysis of muscle chemical compositions showed that the parasite induced a decline in protein and ash contents, while moisture content was increased in all the infected fishes. However, fat content varied between the infected and uninfected fish muscles. As a result, we may conclude that P. spindletruncatus has the potential to harm edible fish species' health.
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