Calcium Carbide Ripened Musa sapientum-Induced Reduction in White Blood Cell Count in Challenged Albino Wistar Rats
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The benefits of fruits in healthy living and disease prevention seem to be threatened due to the artificial ripening of fruits. This study investigated the effect of calcium carbide ripened Musa sapientum (banana) on some haematological variables of challenged Wistar rats. A total of 51 rats grouped into two main groups of 14 and 21 days treatment. Each group subdivided into rats fed with I. Naturally Ripened Banana with Immunization (NRB+IM), II. Naturally Ripened Banana without Immunization (NRB-IM), III. Chemically Ripened Banana with Immunization (CRB+IM), IV. Chemically Ripened Banana without Immunization (CRB-IM) and V. (control). The controls (11) were only fed with normal rat chow. NRB groups (20) were fed with normal rat chow and administered naturally ripened banana juice orally. The CRB groups (20) were fed with normal rat chow and administered chemically ripened banana juice. All rats were allowed free access to food and water during the study. Whole blood samples were collected on the 14th day and 21st day for complete blood count (CBC). The result showed a significant decrease in WBC in III (6460 ± 972.94) for 14th day when compared to other groups and control (10683 ± 218). Also, the 21st day WBC in III (5800 ± 1228.01) showed a significant decrease compared to other
groups and control (12720 ± 326.19). Besides, there were decreases in PCV and Hb values in 21st day samples of III. We therefore, conclude that carbide ripened banana induces leucopenia probably due to suppressed haemopoiesis in SRBC immunized rats.
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Agarwal PK., Singh A., Gaurav K, Goel S, Khanna HD, Goel RK. Evaluation of wound healing activity of extracts of plantain banana (Musa sapientum var. paradisiaca) in rats. Ind J Exp Biol. 2009; 47:322-340.
Tewtrakul S, Itharat A, Thammaratwasik P, Ooraikul B. Antiallergic and anti-microbial activities of some Thai crops. Songklanakarin J Sci Technol. 2008; 30(4):467-473.
Medicott AP, Sigrist JM, Beyold SB, Thompson AK. Annals of Appl. Bio., 1987; 111: 439-444.
Koganei A, Toshiyuki T, Samura K and Nishikibe M. Use of whole sheep red blood cells in ELISA to assess immunosuppression in vivo. J Immunotoxicol. 2007; 4:77-82.
Alimba CG Bakare AA Arinola OG. Effects of municipal solid waste leachate on leucocyte and differential counts in rats. Global J Env Res. 2009; 3(3):135-140.
Ogbuagu1 DH, Ujowundu CO, Izunobi CL. Calcium CarbideInduced Haematological Alterations in The Albino Mice- Mus musculus. IOSR J Env Sci Toxicol Food Tech. 2016; 10:100-104.
Rao DR, Vijayapushpam, GM, Subba R, Antony GM,d Sarma KVR. Dietary habits and effect of two different educational tools on nutrition knowledge of school going adolescent girls in Hyderabad, India. Eur. J Clin Nutr. 2007; 61:1081-1085.
Nelson Roque. Why we need to eat fruits and vegetables Article, Ezine Articles, NY. 2006.
Rethaiaa, ASA, Alaa-Eldin AF, Al-Shwaiyat, MN. Obesity and eating habits among college students in Saudi Arabia: A cross sectional study. Nutr J. 2010; 9:39.
Carlos R, Nicolas D, Clifford AL, Uribe-Querol E. Neutrophils: Their Role in Innate and Adaptive Immunity. J Immun Res. 2016; 2016:1-2.
Fattah, S.A. and Ali, M.Y. Carbide Ripened Fruits- A Recent Health Hazard. Faridpur Med Coll J. 2010; 5(2):37.
Dhembare AJ, Gholap AB, Kharde, V. Artificial Ripening. J. Exp. Zoo. India, 2011; 14(1):187-189.
Rui L. Health benefits of fruit and vegetables are from additive and synergistic combinations of phytochemicals. Am J Clin Nutr 2003; 78(suppl):517S–20S.
Valerio C, Nicola P, Letizia B, Paola G and Susanna E. Vaccine administration and the development of immune thrombocytopenic purpura in children. Hum Vacc Immunother. 2013; 9(5):1158-1162