Development of Okra-Based Antidiabetic Nutraceutical Formulation from Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench (Ex-maradi Variety)
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Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disorder that is considered a worldwide epidemic and is associated with the development of many complications. Okra fruit is rich in fibre and other medicinal phytochemicals hence could be a potential source for the development of antidiabetic nutraceutical. Subsequent to our earlier reports on the antidiabetic effects of various parts of exmaradi okra fruit, the current study was designed to develop appropriate formulation from the fruit seeds and peels. Various proportions of the powdered seeds and peels samples were thoroughly mixed in a ratio of 90:10; 80:20; 70:30; 60:40, 50:50%, respectively and vice-versa. The proximate composition and some functional properties viz: Antioxidant Capacity (AC), Water Adsorption Capacity (WAC), Oil Adsorption Capacity (OAC), Glucose Adsorption Capacity (GAC), Glucose Dialysis (GD), and Glucose Dialysis Retardation Index (GDRI) of each formulation were evaluated in-vitro. The results revealed that 10:90% (Seeds:Peels) formulation exhibited the highest significant (P < 0.05) percentage of Crude ash, fibre, and protein content; it also showed highest significant (P < 0.05) values for AC, WAC, OAC, GAC and GDRI as well as the lowest value for GD. Conclusively, the study showed that the 10:90% (Seeds:Peels) formulation has a
reduction effect the rate of glucose adsorption and diffusion and thus can retard increase in postprandial blood glucose level than the other combinations. Therefore, this combination was found to be the most suitable for the development of okra-based antidiabetic nutraceutical formulation for the management of diabetes mellitus.
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