The Influence of Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth) Ethanol Extract Concentrations on Peel off Gel Formula and its Anti-Aging Effect
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Anti-aging is considered as an option to slow down or prevent the natural aging process in the body, including skin area. Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth) is known for its promising potential to be developed as a natural anti-aging alternative. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of various concentrations of kenikir ethanol extract on the characteristics of peel off gel mask produced and its anti-aging effects. The ethanol extract was obtained by maceration. Various concentrations of ethanol extract (1, 3, and 5%) were inserted to the gel base containing Carbomer 940 as gelling agent and compared with the negative control. The organoleptic test, homogeneity, pH determination, drying time, irritation test and stability test were conducted to evaluate the gel characteristics. The anti-aging test was done using a skin analyzer. The results showed that all formulation had successfully produced a peel off gel mask with good characteristics which were homogenous, within range of normal skin pH (5.3 – 6), drying time of below 21 minutes, non-irritant and stable for 3 months. All formula demonstrated anti-aging effects which were pore size reduction, increase in moisture level, and reduction of dark spots and wrinkles. The results were dependent on the extract concentration. The peel off gel mask with kenikir extract was successfully developed and the highest extract concentration (5%) showed the maximum anti-aging effects.
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