The Protective Effect of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth.) Leaves Extract on Pancreas of Mice Exposed to Alcoholic Drinks
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Consuming alcohol can damage the pancreas, and Mitragyna speciosa Korth. (kratom) leaves can be considered as stamina boosters. The study investigated the protective effect of Mitragyna speciosa leaves extract on the pancreas of mice exposed to alcoholic drinks (tuak). Twenty-four mice were randomly divided into six groups: A1, B1, and C1 received distilled water (0.50mL/20 g BW), M. speciosa leaves extract (0.29 mg/20 g BW), and a combination of silymarin and curcumin (0.70 mg/20 g BW), respectively, from day 1 to 8 and then received tuak (0.26mL/20 g BW) on day 8-14. The other three groups, A2, B2, and C2, received tuak (0.26 mL/20g BW) on day 1 to 8, then continued to receive distilled water (0.50 mL/20 g BW) (A2), M. speciosa leaves extract (0.29 mg/20 g BW) (B2), and the combination of silymarin and curcumin (0.70 mg/20 g BW) (C2) on day 8-14. The blood collection and pancreatectomy were performed on day 15. The blood glucose levels in A1 and A2 groups were higher than other groups (P<0.05). This group possessed high scores of pancreas damage such as inflammation and necrosis. The blood glucose levels of the M. speciosa leaves treatment were not significantly different (P>0.05) compared to the combination of silymarin and curcumin. Based on the histopathological analysis, M. speciosa demonstrated a protective effect on the pancreas compared to the combination of silymarin and curcumin group. The study suggested that M. speciosa leaves extract has the potency to protect the pancreas of alcohol-exposed mice.
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