Friedelin Derivatives from Polygonum flaccidum Showed Cytotoxic Activity on Vero Cell Line
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Polygonum flaccidum is an important annual Bangladeshi herb which is being used by the local populace as analgesic, anti-inflammatory and insecticidal agent. In this study, the presence of secondary metabolites in the crude methanol extract of the whole plant of Polygonum flaccidum as well as their cytotoxic activity was investigated. The compounds were isolated using silica gel column chromatography and purified by preparative thin layer chromatographic technique. Preliminary cytotoxic activity of the column fractions was evaluated through brine shrimp lethality bioassay and toxicity of the isolated compounds were confirmed in Vero cell line. Three triterpenoids bearing friedelin skeleton in their structures were obtained and were characterized as 19α-hydroxyfriedelin (1), 16α-hydroxyfriedelin (2) and 3β-friedelinol (3) by analyzing their 1D and 2D NMR spectra. Friedelin derivatives are reported for the first time from this plant among which 19α-hydroxyfriedelin (1) has not been previously reported from any natural sources. In the brine shrimp lethality bioassay, LC50 values of the column fractions F-6, F-7 and F-8 were found to be similar to that of positive control (vincristine sulfate). 16α- hydroxyfriedelin (2) and 3β-friedelinol (3) showed potent cytotoxic activity with IC50 value of 8.09 µM/mL and 7.64 µM/mL, respectively in Vero cell line. Therefore, the plant can serve as a potential source of cytotoxic compounds which may be further exploited for new drug development.
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