Vaccine Delivery Using Nanoparticles: A Critical Look at ISCOMs 4 Decades but 2 and Still Counting
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The immunostimulatory complexes (ISCOMs), a cage-like nanoparticle, was discovered about 38 years ago. It is a competent antigen delivery system with high level of versatility in terms of its modes of action (promotion of both B- and T-lymphocytes activities) and routes of administration (mucosal and parenteral routes). ISCOMs is a nanoparticle with an average size of between 30-60 nm and composed of saponins, cholesterol, phospholipids and antigen. In this review we discussed the potentials of ISCOMs as a good candidate for vaccine adjuvant in veterinary animals and humans. We also looked at the challenges facing the development of licensed human vaccines containing ISCOMs as adjuvant and the future of the wonderful molecule.
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