Inhibitory Effects of Radish Peeled Root Extracts against Some Pathogenic Bacteria
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Several studies have shown the ability of extracts from different plant parts to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria, including drug-resistant strains. This study was aimed to investigate the antibacterial effectiveness of radish (Raphanus sativus) root peel extracts against selected pathogenic bacteria. Different clinical samples were collected in period between December 2019 - June 2020 in Tikrit city of Iraq. The Identification of isolates was conducted using microscopic, macroscopic cultural characteristics and biochemical tests. Ethanol and methanol extracts were prepared from radish root peels. The Kirby-Buer well diffusion assay was employed to test the antibacterial activities of the extracts, selected antibiotics, and interaction between both agents. Virulence factors were detected before and after exposure of test isolates to the extracts. The results indicated that Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Escherichia coli were the predominant isolates. The methanol extract showed more inhibitory effect than the ethanol extract against the test pathogenic bacteria. The concentration of 100 mg/mL of the methanol extract had higher inhibitory activity compared to other concentrations. A synergistic inhibitory effect between the extracts with test antibiotics was obtained against a wide variety of bacteria, thereby expanding the target spectrum. In addition, it was observed that biofilm production was the factor most affected, suggesting the possibility of the extracts reducing the virulence of the test bacteria. It can be concluded that the combination of radish peeled root methanol extract with ethanol extract or antibiotics inhibited bacterial growth synergistically.
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