Prospects for the Use of Essential Oils as Repellants and/or Insecticides
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Essential oils are produced by a large number of plant species. Plants from several families, which include Asteraceae (Compositae), Apiaceae (Umbelliferae), Geraniaceae, Labiatae (Lamiaceae), Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Rosaceae, Rutaceae, Santalaceae, Zingiberaceae, etc. are being studied closely because they may be promising sources of essential oils with strong repellent and/or insecticidal properties. Botanical garden collections necessitate close attention to the condition of the grown plants as well as the health of those who visit the botanical gardens. The use of effective chemical insecticides in crowded places is prohibited. The use of solutions of various oils (fatty and essential), non-toxic for warm-blooded animals and humans, opens up the prospect of developing an environmentally friendly way to combat phytophages and plant diseases. A review of several publications demonstrating the insecticidal, repellent, and antimicrobial properties of essential oils is provided. New areas of research can be identified by analyzing published works on the search for essential oils with repellent and/or insecticidal properties. Many years of research in the protection of collection plants in the Peter the Great Botanical Garden using a mixture of natural oils has demonstrated its efficacy. Regular treatments (every 25-30 days) with an aqueous emulsion of neem oil (Azadirachta indica) containing essential oils from various families (Lamiaceae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, and so on) reduce the number of insect pests by 60-80%.
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[] / date of the application - 1 June 2022.
[] / date of the application - 1 June 2022.
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