Physiological and Histopathological Effects of Two Seed Extracts (Phoenix dactylifera and Raphanus sativus) and L-Carnitine Drug on Semen Quality and Testicular Sexual Hormonal Changes in Adult Male Rabbits
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Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) pollen (DPP) is widely used in traditional medicine to treat male infertility. Radish (Raphanus sativus) is an edible root vegetable that was domesticated in Europe in pre-Roman times. This study was aimed at comparing the effects of DPP and Radish seed extracts, as well as L-Carnitine drug on the quality of sperm and sex hormone parameters in adult male rabbits. A total of 30 male rabbits were divided into five groups. Each group was administered with: normal saline (Control 1; Group I), DPP (Group II), L-Carnitine (Group III), Petroleum ether (Control 2; Group IV), or Radish seed oil extract (Group V) every day for eight weeks. Semen quality, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone levels were measured at the end of the experiment. Also, histopathological examinations on testicles were performed. The results showed that there was significant increase in activity, total and normal sperm counts in Group II compared to Groups I and III. Meanwhile, a significant increase in activity, total and normal sperm counts was observed in Groups V compared to IV. The hormonal levels of FSH, LH, and testosterone were significantly higher in Groups II and III compared to Group I, but significantly lower in Groups V compared to IV. The findings of this study revealed that date palm pollen suspension seems to improve sperm quality, enhance fertility in male adult rabbits compared to the Radish seed oil extract and L-Carnitine drug, therefore, it may be useful in solving infertility problems.
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