Pharmacognostic Identification of Balanophora J.R. Forst & G. Forst (Balanophoraceae) Endemic in Ha Giang, Viet Nam
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Balanophora is a small genus belonging to the family Balanophoraceae. The study was aimed at identification of species of genus Balanophora in Ha Giang province, Viet Nam. Three species of the genus Balanophora including Balanophora laxiflora, Balanophora fungosa ssp. indica var. globosa and Balanophora fungosa ssp. indica var. indica were found in Quan Ba district, Ha Giang province, Viet Nam. Morphological features of the three species were described, illustrated and compared to each other. Balanophora fungosa ssp. indica var. indica was characterized by pink scapes, ellipsoid inflorescences; Balanophora fungosa ssp. indica var. globosa was
characterized by surface coarsely tessellated, stellate warts were not distinct, yellow scapes, hoodlike leaves while Balanophora laxiflora was characterized by cylindric male inflorescences, apex acuminate, subsessile male flowers, anthers broken up into many locelli. The results served as database to identify the species of genus Balanophora in Ha Giang prov., Viet Nam.
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How to Cite
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