A Review of the Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Eleusine coracana Linn (Poaceae): A Popular Nigerian Edible Grain http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v1i4.2
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Since ancient times, plants have been used in the management of various disease conditions worldwide. They are known to be rich in secondary metabolites which are responsible for the therapeutic effects they exhibit. Scientists worldwide have long discovered the possibility of discovering newer, effective and affordable drugs with minimal side effects from plants and have already started isolating promising compounds (from plants) some of which are now being investigated for the management of various diseases. Eleusine coracanna is an annual plant which belongs to the poaceae family. It contains different secondary metabolites with a wide range of
uses and promise in the management of several disease conditions. This review is aimed at highlighting the various ethnomedicinal and pharmacological uses of the plant collated over the years using extensive literature search with a view to exploring the possibility of harnessing the potential of the plant and investigating if it could be a source of novel compounds in the management of various disease conditions.
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