The Influence of Methanol Extracts of Some Plant Species Used in the Management of Pregnancy-Related Symptoms on the Reproductive Parameters of Pregnant Wistar Rats
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Herbal medicines are increasingly being used during pregnancy and little is known of their potential teratogenic effect. The present study is therefore designed to investigate the teratogenic effects of methanol extracts ofthree medicinal plants; Jatropha curcas, Alchornea cordifolia, and Secamone afzelii in Wistar rats. The animals were administered the extractsat doses of 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg.Morphometry of the placenta and foetus were recorded, the weight, crown-rump length, head circumference and anogenital distance were measured. Acute toxicity of the extracts was also evaluated. Embryo resorptions in some treated rats as well as foetal malformation were observed. In the acute toxicity test, at the maximum dose of 5000 mg/kg, the methanol extracts of the three plants; Jatropha curcas, Alchornea cordifolia, and Secamone afzelii showed no harmful effects on the pregnant rats. However, strong teratogenic effects were noted. At doses higher than 50mg/kg, Alchornea cordifolia extract-exposed pregnant rats produced 7 dead foetuses out of 9 implantations; the live foetuses were deformed, particularly in their limbs. Animals administered with Secamone afzelii had 11% foetal mortality at 100 and 200mg/kg dose. No dead foetus or foetal deformity wasobserved in the rats administered with 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg Jatropha curcasextract. Although the methanolextracts of the plants used in this study were not acutely toxic to pregnant Wistar rats at the doses tested, they caused some teratogenic effects, especially with Alchornea cordifolia extracts.
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