Impact of Freeze-Drying Process on Encapsulation of Curcumin: Physicochemical Properties and Release Kinetic Model

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Azafilmi Hakiim
Aji Prasetyaningrum
Nur Rokhati
Mohammad Djaeni


Curcumin (CUR) is a natural polyphenol in turmeric characterized by several health benefits, with limited stability and low bioavailability. Therefore, this research aimed to enhance the physicochemical and morphological properties of CUR using freeze drying (FD) in the encapsulation process with a combination of Alginate (ALG) and Chitosan (CHS) as wall material. The microparticles were made in the form of hydrogel beads with an ALG/CHS wall material in a ratio of 2:1, mixed with CUR dissolved in ethanol. The mixture obtained was injected into a 0.2 M CaCl2 solution and left for 30 minutes. Subsequently, the hydrogel beads were dried through FD and conventional methods using an oven. The data obtained from ALG/CHS/CUR encapsulated beads by encapsulation efficiency and release kinetic was evaluated using statistical analysis to assess their significance. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) results showed that FD method did not cause the loss of the core group, protecting ALG/CHS mixed wall material. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that FD method had a fibrillation structure with agglomeration, creating an uneven surface resembling a network matrix associated with relatively high porosity. This increased the swelling percentage to 84.55% and boosted encapsulation efficiency to 89.72%. Evaluation of CUR release kinetic from beads treated with FD and non-FD provided an accuracy of R~1 in the Peppas Sahlin model. These results showed that FD in the formulation ALG/CHS/CUR has the potential to improve the physiochemistry and protect the embedded bioactive material.


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How to Cite
Hakiim, A., Prasetyaningrum, A., Rokhati, N., & Djaeni, M. (2023). Impact of Freeze-Drying Process on Encapsulation of Curcumin: Physicochemical Properties and Release Kinetic Model: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 7(12), 5566-5572.

How to Cite

Hakiim, A., Prasetyaningrum, A., Rokhati, N., & Djaeni, M. (2023). Impact of Freeze-Drying Process on Encapsulation of Curcumin: Physicochemical Properties and Release Kinetic Model: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 7(12), 5566-5572.


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