Antioxidant Activity and Sun Protection Factor of Black Glutinous Rice (Oryza sativa var. glutinosa)
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Indonesia is geographically located on the equator and is presently faced with several complex problems, among which are air pollution and ultraviolet radiation. On average, Indonesians lose approximately 1.2-5 years of their life expectancy due to air pollution and high exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which tends to increase risk factors for skin cancer (melanoma), skin aging, sunburn, damage to collagen, inflammation, and skin elasticity. However, some plants, such as black glutinous rice (Oryza sativa var. glutinosa) are believed to have hereditary protection against ultraviolet radiation and contain antioxidant compounds. Therefore, this study tries to find out the antioxidant activity and sun protection factor of O. sativa extract applying DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The result showed that the O. sativa extract showed weak antioxidant activity with an IC50 value of 318.883 µg/mL, while the SPF (Sun protection factor) test was at the ultra-protection level against UV-B with a value of 36.65 ± 0.377 at a concentration of 10,000 µg/mL. Therefore, O. sativa extract has antioxidant activity and protection against ultraviolet rays and has the potential to be considered as a new sunscreen agent.
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