The Use of ISSR Marker for Analyzing the Genetic Diversity of Nigerian Date Palms (Phoenix dactylifera L.)
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Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is a major fruit crop of arid climate region in countries of the Middle East and North Africa. DNA markers are powerful tools that can provide information on the relatedness among date palms that are difficult to distinguish morphologically. The present study was aimed at the analysis of genetic diversity that exists among and within 10 date palms
((RCP1 (tissue culture palm), Medjoole, R4P2, R5P7, R6P8, R7P6, R8P1, R8P4, R8P6 and R8P13) grown at the Nigerian Institute for Oil palm Research (NIFOR) experimental Substation Dutse, Jigawa State using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers (14A, 44B, HB-08, HB10, HB-12 and HB-14). DNA was extracted from the 10 date palm leaf samples using DNeasy Mini Kit, PCR amplification was done using ISSR markers and amplification products were analysed by electrophoresis in 2 % agarose gel stained with SYBR Green and photographed under UV light. Among the six ISSR markers used to cluster the 10 date palms, 44B, HB-10 and HB-12 gave the highest variation percentage polymorphism. Genetic distance and relationship were estimated among the date palm varieties. The highest similarity coefficient value (0.84) was observed between R5P7 and R8P6 which seems to be the nearest two varieties and can be closely
regrouped. The similarity coefficient value of 0.00 was obtained between RCP1 and Medjoole date palms, indicating that these were among themselves similar but distinct from the other date palms. The result from this work showed evidence of divergence among the date palms grown in Nigeria
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