The Effect of Myrmecodia pendans Ethanol Extract on Myeloperoxidase Level and Histopathological appearance in Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Colitis Rat

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Emi Rachmi
Tri Widyawati
Rizky A. Siregar


Myrmecodia pendans is a traditional medicinal plant in Merauke district in Indonesia. This study

is aimed at examining the effect of Myrmecodia pendans ethanol extract (MPE) on

myeloperoxidase (MPO) and histopathological appearance of dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) on

the colon of rats. The MPE extract was obtained from maceration. All animals were acclimatized

with normal feed, and were subsequently divided into 4 groups. Group I (N): normal feed; group

II (CC): Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC 1%); group III (MPE100): MPE 100 mg/kg bw; and

group IV (MPE200): 200 mg/kg bw. The animals in groups II, III, and IV were induced with

DSS for 4 days to obtain colitis model in rats before commencingtreatment for 7 days. MPO

levels did not show a significant difference between the treatment groups (p>0.05). MPO levels

in treatment groups III (10.14±3.69 ng/mL) and IV (11.54±4.25 ng/mL) were slightly lower than

that of group II (14.79±2.73 ng/mL), but were still higher compared to that of group I

(9.83±4.04). There was a significant difference in epithelial surface damage and inflammatory

cell infiltration between groups I and II (p<0.01). There was also a significant difference in

inflammatory cell infiltration between treatment group IV and control group II (p<0.05). It can

be concluded that Myrmecodia pendans ethanol extract plays a role in reducing MPO levels and

decreasing colonic epithelium damage as well as inflammatory cell infiltration.


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How to Cite
Rachmi, E., Widyawati, T., A. Siregar, R., & Betty. (2021). The Effect of Myrmecodia pendans Ethanol Extract on Myeloperoxidase Level and Histopathological appearance in Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Colitis Rat: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 5(11), 1945-1948.
Author Biography

Tri Widyawati, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine,Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

How to Cite

Rachmi, E., Widyawati, T., A. Siregar, R., & Betty. (2021). The Effect of Myrmecodia pendans Ethanol Extract on Myeloperoxidase Level and Histopathological appearance in Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Colitis Rat: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 5(11), 1945-1948.


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